Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving leftovers ideas

If you're like me, you have leftover turkey in abundance! I'm hoping that I can give you some creative ideas for putting the leftover turkey to use...without making you sick of turkey by weeks-end.

First of all, if you haven't already done so, break your leftover turkey into SMALL tupperware/plastic containers. If you don't want to spend money on plastic tubs, save the plastic butter tubs or Cool Whip containers! Having the turkey split into small containers saves the hassle of trying to defrost a giant container of turkey when all you need is a few pieces (I learned this the hard way last year), and you can just thaw as you need.

The same idea works with other larger meat portion (pulled pork, chicken, etc), and you can take some of your family favorites and mix in leftovers...cleverly disguised as a whole new dish!

I'll be posting my favorites, my experiments, and new recipe tests as I begin working through my own leftovers. Enjoy!

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